The deep colour of tart cherries is a clue to their health-promoting properties. They contain flavonoids called anthocyanins–naturally occurring pigment compounds that impart colour to fruit, vegetables, and plants. Flavonoids, which contain antioxidants, help to protect the plant from disease. Research has shown that these natural plant chemicals also help remove toxins from the body.
Antioxidants help neutralize the free-radical cellular damage that accumulates in the body through factors such as stress, pollution, and a poor diet. Free-radical damage can result in degenerative diseases such as cancer. Two of the most potent anticancer agents–the flavonoids isoquercitrin and queritrin–are found in tart red cherries.
Cherry juice is also thought to be effective in preventing heart disease. In addition to its antioxidants, tart red cherries are high in potassium, an important mineral for those with high blood pressure. The anthocyanins found in cherries may also protect artery walls from damage that leads to plaque buildup and heart disease. No wonder they are considered so healthy
Uploaded by Swami Stream on 8 Jun 09, 5.16PM IST.
Lighthouse in Pondycherry
10 years ago
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